Friday, February 28, 2014

Off to a Slow Start….

In keeping with my usual penchant for being several years behind the times, I am today launching a “blog.”
Much of the reason for my earlier reluctance (coupled with my Luddite tendencies) has to be the ugly sound of the word “blog.” Having dabbled in poetry for years now, the sounds of words are important to me, and when it comes to lack of euphony “blog” ranks right up there with “snot” and “moist” and “buttock.”
Be that as it may, here I am—a “blogger.” But pardon me if I never use the word again.
It’s anybody’s guess what I might write about. Reading, writing, history, rodeo, news of my newest book or latest magazine article—who knows? Check in from time to time, as I will, and we’ll see what happens. Here’s where to look: Click on the “News” tab on my web site,, or you can go directly to


  1. Bravo! Perhaps you could call it a "Musing" instead of the b-word? I'm sure we're all looking forward to hearing from you periodically.

  2. Thanks, Kimberly--"musing" sounds good to me. Although in my case, "bloviating" might be more apt.

  3. I'm with you, Rod. I generally call them 'essays'. It harkens back to things I read in real books as a youth. Anyway, nice writing.

  4. I am registering "" as I write this...

  5. I'm just squatting on the name, figuring it will be worth something to somebody someday.

  6. Sorry, Brian, I already own it. It's my blog about dealing with both ends of a toddler. Nice try anyway. Gary Rasmussen. P.S. I like your trailer for Rawhide Robinson. Congrats, Writer Rod.

  7. Rod, love the "web log" and I'm glad you've jined us, but one tip from a long-time web logger: reverse your colors. White on black is mighty hard to read. For us old folks, I mean.
