Call me an
idiot, but I have never understood the admonition to writers to “find your
voice.” What does it mean, anyway?
First of
all, if there is such a thing as a “voice” how can you not have one? Then, assuming you do have a “voice,” why would you want only one?
Now, if you
are a columnist or commentator, I can see how you would want to develop a
particular, recognizable writing style. And if you’re writing a memoir or
autobiography, it certainly ought to read—sound—like the whole thing comes from
the same pen (mouth?).
But if
you’re writing a magazine article for, say, Cosmopolitan,
it certainly should not sound the same as a story you’re writing for True West. There, it seems the “voice”
should be that of the publication and the story. And you wouldn’t want your Old
West romance novel to read like your modern-day mystery novel. In fiction, it
seems it’s the characters who ought to have “voices,” not the author. Each
poem, each song, each short story likewise should speak for itself, in whatever
“voice” best tells the story.
Of course I
could be wrong, lacking as I am in a literary education. But when it comes to
finding my “voice,” I don’t even know where to look.