Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Gone south.

As has been the case most every fall over the past decade (except last year, when the world was on pause) I spent a weekend about as far south as you can go and still be in Utah. The occasion, as usual, was the Kanab Writers Conference.

 It is not the biggest writers conference I have had the pleasure of presenting at, but it may well be the best. For one thing, the world’s “Little Hollywood” offers scenery the likes of which belongs on movie and TV screens, where it often is and has been. Even if you do no more than stand on the street in the center of town and turn a circle, you will be awestruck.

And, of course, there’s the conference. The staff keeps everything on an even keel. A diverse group of presenters holds forth on a variety of subjects of interest to writers. Readers, too, can browse the bookstore and meet authors and attend presentations that engage the community.

Next year, if plans hold true, the Kanab Writers Conference will move from the fall to late July. Summer puts a whole new face on the red rock country, and the change will add green leaves to the color scheme. If you’re a writer, or want to be, add a link to the conference web site, and watch for information on the 2022 event. Just being to town will make a fine vacation.


  1. I quite enjoyed the one and only time I could get there. Low key and nice folks in Kanab. Next year looks better--with a little luck and the crick don't rise.

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed the conference, Rod. As appealing as green leaves in combination with red rock country sound, I'm not sure I can stomach Utah heat in July. :-)

    1. It can get toasty, Tanja, but at nearly 5,000 feet in elevation Kanab is not as hot as much of southern Utah.

    2. That's good to know. I will keep the conference on my radar.

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