Monday, December 16, 2019

Lies they tell writers, Part 52: No more lies.

Ever since I started posting things here, I have, with some regularity, posted “lies” writers tell other writers—and themselves—about writing. The point being that writers have to find their own way. Advice, counsel, instruction, guidelines, decrees—all those things can be helpful. But, in the end, there are no commandments from on high, no hard-and-fast, dyed-in-the-wool rules about how to become a writer.
Had I posted these thoughts weekly, this entry would finish out a year’s worth. That ought to be enough. I suspect I have covered the subject as well as I know how, and then some.
So, while I will continue to write about any and all aspects of the West, literature, poetry, art, and anything else that strikes my fancy, there will be no more “Lies they tell writers.”
Enough is enough. And that’s the truth.


  1. Well, I'm not sure about this. How can we tell whether you're telling a lie now, Rod? Hmmmmm.

    1. What can I say, Tom? My only defense is that I attempt to expose lies, not tell them. Then again...

  2. Close your eyes. Listen to someone you love. And off you go. Troof, and nothin' but the troof. JB
