Thursday, September 12, 2019

Off to college.

Friday, October 11, from 8:00 in the morning until 4:30, a bunch of writers of all kinds will host workshops, panel discussions, and other events to help aspiring authors find their way into and through the complicated world of writing and publishing books—and other media as well.
I have been invited to sit on two panel discussions with other authors, one on writing poetry and another on writing effective opening lines for books or stories or whatever else you’re writing.
The UVU Book Academy will be held at the UVU Wasatch campus in Heber City. If you’ve not visited the Heber Valley on the backside of Utah’s Wasatch Mountains, you’ve missed seeing one of the most beautiful places in our state—and there’s a lot of competition when it comes to beauty in Utah.
If you’re in the vicinity, or can be, come join us at the UVU Book Academy.


  1. Wish I could hear your talk on opening lines. Those are so difficult. Good luck! I know it will go well.

    1. Thanks, Vicky. There is method to it, and I have presented a workshop on it on several occasions. We'll see how this panel discussion goes.
