Thursday, August 9, 2018

The birth of Father unto Many Sons.

Those who read this stuff regularly know that Father unto Many Sons is a novel. It was conceived on my computer. Gestated in the inner workings of Five Star Publishing. And now its birth is imminent.
The delivery takes place Friday, August 24, at 7:00 p.m. at The Printed Garden, 9445 South Union Square, Suite A, in Sandy, Utah. It’s a fine bookshop, just a mile or two from where the book originated. If you’re within driving distance you are invited—nay, entreated, encouraged, urged—to attend the blessed event.
It will be a multiple birth, and while it is difficult to say how many copies of Father unto Many Sons the stork will drop off, there will surely be enough for you to adopt and take one home for your own. Many of the new novel’s siblings will also be there looking for good homes.
Put it on your calendar. Saddle up the horse. Hitch up the buggy. Gas up the car. Bring your friends and neighbors. See you at The Printed Garden, Friday, August 24, to welcome Father unto Many Sons into the world.


  1. Congratulations Rod. A bit far for this old pony, but I suspect Amazon adoptions are accepted. Best of luck with it.

    1. Thanks, Paul. If you choose to adopt, I am confident the book will find a fine home.

  2. Congratulations, Rod. Congratulations.

  3. Rod, We've adopted the idea and it's on the calendar!

    1. Thanks, Bill. I hope it proves worthwhile for you.

  4. Congratulations, Rod. Glad to see it is at Amazon and available on Kindle.

  5. Congratulations on yet another birth, Rod. Alas, I am not within driving distance, even though this delivery would provide me with a good pretext to visit Utah once again…
