The latest
issue of True West magazine (May
2017) is on newsstands. Most fans of the Old West are familiar with this
colorful, lively publication that chronicles all kinds of people and events
from our history.
In this
issue you’ll find “Utah Bloodbath,” an article I wrote about Porter Rockwell’s
pursuit and shooting of Lot Huntington, and the suspicious deaths of
Huntington’s partners in crime after Rockwell turned them over to the Salt Lake
City police. Robbery, horse stealing, and the brutal beating of Utah’s governor
all led up to the shootout and are reported in the story. As is usually the
case with history, many details are sketchy and accounts differ. But the
article attempts to present events as recorded in contemporary sources.
Rockwell was one of the Western frontier’s most feared and respected gunmen,
but his place in history in no way reflects his fame and infamy in his day.
Perhaps this article in this influential magazine will help bolster his memory.
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