There’s one thing that’s sorely lacking in my career as a writer:
an education.
Beyond what they taught us all back in my day with those dreaded “Themes”
in high school (and elementary school and junior high) I am unschooled in writing.
I confess a reasonably good grounding in journalistic-type scribbling,
as I earned a degree in the subject in college (between rodeoing and activities
best not mentioned).
Still, I can put together a passable assemblage of words now and
then. Don’t ask me how or why. But it certainly didn’t come from attending one
of those fancy creative writing programs where so many people who want to write
enroll, lured by all manner of lofty promises. I know people who have done
that, and they tend to hem and haw, fuss and fritter, plan and procrastinate,
and talk about writing rather than write.
I read something some time ago about creative writing programs
that might help explain that. It references poetry in particular, but I think
it applies to creative writing in general. This quotation pretty much sums up
what a fellow named Louis Menand wrote in the New Yorker:
programs are designed on the theory that students who have never published a
poem can teach other students who have never published a poem how to write a
publishable poem.
Sounds about right to me. As I have opined before, you can learn more
about good writing by reading the writing of good writers.
Pay attention. They know how to do it.