Thursday, August 2, 2018

Really Stupid Words, Chapter Three

American English is a rich language. It’s always changing and evolving. New words and usages come and go. Many that come along are helpful. They clarify, they improve, they enhance and enrich.
But some are just plain stupid.
They obfuscate, they complicate, they confuse. They reveal a lack of understanding.
One of my favorites is “readjust.”
Now there’s a word (if it is a word) with absolutely no reason for being. If something needs to be adjusted, you adjust it. If it needs doing again, you simply adjust it. You can adjust it again. Then you can adjust it some more, as often as need be.
Adjust is somewhat related to “change.” You can change things repeatedly, but no one ever calls it “rechange.” Same with move. You can move things over and over. But if you “remove” them, that’s something else altogether.
I am firmly against the use of “readjust.” And I will remain that way, unless or until I readjust my thinking.


  1. Well pard, I'd say yer gittin' old -- even curmudgeonly -- when yer pitchin' horse apples into the wind. Welcome to my corral, I need the company.

  2. Rod very educational and entertaining!

  3. Rod, am bugged by stupid usages, most commonly in abuse of parts of speech. And manufactured words, your "prioritize" at the top of the list.
    But as you say, buddy, English will shift and gather and gather and shift some more. And all will be well, old fart. Well. JB

    1. As they say in the Good Book, John, I am "kicking against the pricks." But, it can't be helped
