Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Under my tree.

With Christmas in the offing, I thought I’d give myself a couple of gifts for the season.
My web site,, was originally built by my friend and finer author Michael Zimmer. But the technology is now outdated, and updating the site was time consuming and difficult. So, I bit the bullet and brazened myself for some frustration and built a new one.
Same address, It’s not as spiffy looking as the earlier one, but I think it should serve. It has links from all my books to either the publisher or my Amazon Author page, so should you want to buy a book (or subscribe to a magazine) you can “click through” as they say in the trade.
Also new is a little promotional video for my new novel, Rawhide Robinson Rides the Tabby Trail. You can view it below, on YouTube, or on my Amazon Author Page. It will only occupy 38 seconds of your time and you will, I hope, find it—the book it’s about, rather—intriguing. All thanks to banjo magician extraordinaire Mike Iverson for permission to use “Oh! Susannah.”
Enough self-serving crass commercialism. But it is, after all, the Christmas season. May you all have a merry one.


  1. It's a nice clean site, Rod. Merry Christmas!

    1. Thanks, Marsha. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!
